



Los evangelistas se meten cada vez más en política, con Kirchner o la oposición.

Referentes de distintos grupos iniciaron contactos con el Gobierno y con sectores ligados a Macri y Sobisch. Ofrecen apoyo para las próximas elecciones a cambio de ayuda social y lugares en las listas.

Georgina Elustondo

Dicen que ocurre desde hace años. Y que no hay partido que esquive el hábito ni dirigente político que se prive de buscar una "bendición" del saludable movimiento evangelista que la fe traduzca más tarde en votos. "Saben que somos muchos y todos quieren usarnos", se quejan. "Por eso entendimos que debemos prepararnos y pararnos mejor, darnos la importancia que hasta el Presidente y la SIDE nos reconocen", sorprenden.
Solo en contadas ocasiones el atomizado movimiento evangelista argentino se agolpa en la misma voz, pero la decisión de meterse de lleno en la escena política con vistas al 2007 goza de un consenso inédito entre sus múltiples líderes. "Hay diferencias, pero todos asumimos lo que alguien nos advirtió alguna vez: o se meten en política o la política se meterá con ustedes".

Ambas cosas están pasando, y con idéntica intensidad: en su mayoría, los evangélicos están decididos a ser algo más que mera tropa de turno cuando se acerca una elección; y la dirigencia política está más dispuesta a mejorar sus "concesiones" para sumar el respaldo de alguna porción de los casi cinco millones de fieles que concurren a las 15.000 iglesias evangelistas del país.

Uno de los dirigentes que había entendido esta lógica es el ex presidente Eduardo Duhalde, quien, para las internas bonaerenses, solía acordar con los grupos de evangélicos aún antes de hacerlo con sectores partidarios.

Ahora, los contactos con el kirchnerismo son crecientes y hay sectores resueltos a sumar votos evangélicos a las fórmulas que el Presidente lidere en las próximas elecciones. Antes de fin de año, dirigentes del Consejo Evangélico para la Acción Social (CEPAS) —un grupo con peso en el GBA y ramificaciones en el Interior— se reunieron con Alicia Kirchner y le presentaron una propuesta política que incluye la posibilidad de encolumnar detrás de Kirchner un movimiento cristiano evangélico nacional.
"Le pedimos que traslade la propuesta al Presidente. A ella le interesó y nos derivó con uno de sus asesores para armar la cosa. Ya nos juntamos y estamos trabajando. La idea es sumar la mayor cantidad de referentes evangélicos al proyecto de Kirchner, obteniendo a cambio espacios de participación para nuestra gente", confiaron a Clarín importantes dirigentes de CEPAS.

En Desarrollo Social no desmienten el encuentro, pero niegan que la ministra haya recibido una propuesta así. "Tenemos 30 audiencias diarias y recibimos muchas adhesiones, pero en las reuniones no hablamos de política sino de acción social", aseguraron los funcionarios.

Sin embargo, en función de lo acordado en esa reunión, se aceleraron los contactos para hilvanar esa red de apoyo. La semana pasada, gente del mismo grupo contactó a la Rama Juvenil de la Federación Confraternidad Evangélica Pentecostal (FECEP), una organización que nuclea a 6.000 iglesias pentecostales.

"Buscan apoyo para el Presidente. Estamos evaluando qué hacer. Tenemos mucho para aportar y para el 2007 queremos tomar posición y definir con quién vamos a caminar, pero aún no adherimos a ningún proyecto. Acompañaremos al que comparta nuestro compromiso social", dijo Juan Marcos Cuzzolino, su presidente. El grupo ya tuvo encuentros con gente de Mauricio Macri, el líder de PRO y uno de los dirigentes opositores relevantes, pero el partido no habilitó lugares y el acuerdo no prosperó.
Según ellos mismos confiesan, el movimiento evangelista atraviesa conflictos generacionales a la hora de definir posiciones. En general, los mayores de 50 son más reacios a respaldar a un candidato en particular. Los jóvenes, en cambio, están deseosos de protagonizar la Argentina que viene y hasta se animan a pensar en un futuro partido confesional.

"Tenemos un Departamento de Acción Política e intentamos ayudar y fortalecer a los evangélicos que deciden meterse en política, en el partido que sea, porque entendemos que la política es un lugar de servicio. Pero desde FECEP no apoyamos a ningún partido en particular", destacó Ciro Crimi, titular de FECEP.

En esa "fisura", que se evidencia sobre todo a nivel institucional están operando muchos partidos, pero el grueso de las adhesiones se está tejiendo en las bases: punteros, candidatos municipales y legisladores provinciales apuran contactos con los pastores evangélicos, siempre deseosos de asegurarse beneficios para la comunidad de su templo.
"En mi distrito hay 12 curas y 400 pastores. Si no arreglo con los evangélicos estoy muerto", confió a este diario un candidato a intendente del sur del GBA hablando en términos crudos.
Para algunos dirigentes, esos vínculos pseudoclientelísticos no garantizan apoyo masivo. "Los políticos buscan multitudes y grupos con cierta cohesión, pero desde el púlpito nosotros pregonamos la libertad de conciencia: hay que respetar la decisión de las ovejas", subrayó el pastor Rubén Proietti, al frente de la Alianza Cristiana de Iglesias Evangélicas de la Argentina.

"De todos modos —aclaró el pastor—, sabemos que cada vez más evangélicos se meten en política y a ellos los vamos a alentar. Hace unos años, hablar de política en el templo era pecado: hoy es ineludible".

No sólo el oficialismo K busca adhesiones en el movimiento evangelista. Hay encuentros de grupos con referentes de Macri y un sector podría jugar con el gobernador de Neuquén, Jorge Sobisch. ¿Juan Carlos Blumberg? "Se acercó en varias oportunidades. Estuvo en un acto masivo en el Obelisco, pero no porque lo hayamos invitado. Apareció", aseguraron los organizadores.

El pastor Rodolfo Couto, ex titular de la Federación Argentina de Iglesias Evangélicas, lo dice directamente: "Todos los candidatos buscan capitalizar nuestro esfuerzo y quedarse con nuestros votos, pero nosotros soñamos con tener algún día un presidente evangélico. Eso sólo será posible si nos involucramos".

Mientras, las elecciones se acercan y hay mucho por hacer. Hace dos semanas, en el templo Caudal de Vida de San Miguel, el gobernador Felipe Solá, el vicepresidente Daniel Scioli y el titular de la ANSeS, Sergio Massa compartieron un acto ante 4.000 personas. "El objetivo era entregar jubilaciones, pero terminó siendo una presentación de la candidatura de Scioli en la Provincia", confiaron en CEPAS. Y concluyeron: "Para nosotros es un mensaje. Toda una señal".


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Most sound cards support to receive sound input by a microphone through the sound card microphone port. This is necessary for recording voice to the computer. Check your microphone that has been firmly plugged into the microphone port, and make sure it does work.
Step 2: Selecting the file format and destination
Clicking the "Option" button to open a setting box.
In the "General Setting" panel, we can set the output file type, file name type and saving destination.
Tip: there are two types of format we can choose to make the voice recording, Mp3 and WAV, therefore this voice recording software is not only an Mp3 Recorder but also a WAV Recorder. You can use this Mp3 Recorder as a WAV Recorder to record WAV file as you like. You may choose any type according your favorite.
Step 3: Choosing microphone device.
Move to the "Mixer Setting" panel, select the microphone device by checking the "Microphone".
You might see other devices, such as CD-Player or Synthesizer (MIDI), in the recording panel, uncheck all non-essential devices, this cuts down background noise when the Mp3 Recorder is working.
Step 4: Start the voice recording
Click "Record" button to start the voice recording and then speak into the microphone. If the microphone is plugged into the port correctly, the wave patterns on the display should move up and down. If the wave does not move, you need to check your microphone or your sound card.
When you finish your voice recording, press "Stop" button. The voice recording file will save as Mp3 or WAV to your set destination automatically.
You can press "Play" button to listen to your recording.
Ok, it is the end of this Mp3 Recorder guide. Do you know how to make the voice recording now? This powerful voice recorder can use as an Mp3 Recorder and a WAV Recorder. However it can not only record voice through the microphone, it can also record voice from internet streaming audio, or music played by some windows players. If you want to learn more, there are some other guides which according to this Super Mp3 Recorder at our website. You may have a look!

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Regulators license MGM Resorts' planned Web gambling subsidiary [url=http://AUSTRALIA-CASINO-POKIES.COM/]AUSTRALIA-CASINO-POKIES.COM|[url=http://AUSTRALIA-FREE-CASINO.COM/]casino|[url=http://AUSTRALIA-ONLINE-CASINOS.COM/]roulette|[url=http://FINLANDINTERNETCASINO.COM/]www.FINLANDINTERNETCASINO.COM[/url] LAS VEGAS -- MGM Resorts Global's planned online gaming subsidiary was licensed Thursday next to the Nevada Gaming Commission to operate an interactive poker website in Nevada.

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t 2012 UGG boots for women of autumn and winter series collects the high-end and avant-garde fashionable design elements which integrate original design concept with the distinctive styles and multiple materials. A variety of novel designs cater to the requirements of all kinds of women. The latest men's UGG boots series contains two essential elements which are called grace and warm.they are shearing plus they are what everyone wants Cheap UGG Boots are made from sheepskins with wool attached. The wool is tanned into the leather then embedded the boot. The soles are made from rubber, and the stitching is often prominent on the outside of the boots. Sheepskin footwear for kids comes in an exclusive variety of styles, colors and sizes to keep the little feet just as happy and comfort as big ones. Kid ugg boots are designed with finest suede and sheepskin with fleece lining for extreme comfort at all times. These boots feature ridged designed outsole for superior traction on all types of floors. [url=http://www.uggsnowboottang.com/]outlet ugg boots[/url] Ugg boots do not only make you look fashionable and cool, but they can also help you stand out from the fashion-conscious crowd. They make you noticeable, and for good reasons. Since they are very comfortable to wear, you do not have to sacrifice your comfort just in order to look fashionable. First, you should know whether the UGG boots combine sheepskin and fur together, combining the sheepskin and fur together means that the sheepskin with fur is stripped from the sheep, after the production, one side of the sheepskin is the inside of boots, the other side of the sheepskin is the upper of the boots, you can differentiate this from the crevice. You can also drag the sheepskin, the sheepskin will not be pulled down. The fur r is on the leather, if you look carefully, you will find that the fur grows from the pores, rather than stuck to the pore, so the fur will not be pull down. [url=http://www.uggsnowboottang.com/]outlet ugg boots[/url] Online-Auktionen oft zu frdern "uggs" als verbindlich, aber festgestellt, dass der Kufer nicht bekommen, was sie erwartet. Einige von ihnen verwendet werden, und der Kufer ist nicht zu wollen ein persnliches Kleidungsstck kaufen, ist aus zweiter Hand. Manche Menschen fhlen, dass dies nicht hygienisch, und normalerweise sollte nicht verwendet jemand anderes Schuhe. However, purchasing on the internet also may be just a little frustrating as probabilities are that you simply will get fakes. So bear in thoughts to undertake some investigation and discover the unique qualities in the genuine ugg boots for sales prior to rushing to stores. at all times remember to verify the site' s guidelines and suggestions very carefully prior to creating your last decision.

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The relative complexities of men's and women's fashion

Both women and men could have the difficulties of maintaining their clothing up-to-date and in season, yet men's style often seems a lot less difficult. Of program, for both genders, garments and fashion choices could be just as delicate, and there are lots of'trendy'items which could quickly become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people running around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's fashion has a few choice goods that will exist forever - which man is going to look out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Select classic pieces, colours and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why traditional men's style is timeless

The traditional man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several versions for various functions, however they are all popular in their pursuit of a smart, sharp try to find the individual. The neat thing about basic fashion for men is that it's simply elegant efficiently neat. A well-groomed man can typically look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such clothing. A suit will be utilized to work in many professions due to the professional look it affords to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Equally a suit will be utilized to many social occasions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This extraordinary flexibility that allows matches to be worn in nearly all functions is what gives it its classic side and a permanent invest men's fashion.

Contemporary movements in classic men's style

Although basic men's styles will never be changed, it's interesting to observe that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain classic clothes back into fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, particularly, has brought back a wide-variety of common designs into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress yourself in a classic yet luxurious way, placing importance on appearance and operating in a refined approach. This tendency for nearly'over-the-top'common fashion for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', where men and girls of all ages dress in notably Victorian-style outfit and take to the streets on vintage bikes - with lots of the men wearing impeccable mustaches! This really is only one of many types of research showing the resurrection of such designs. There are also numerous sites online which focus on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole websites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on giving articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.

In summary, although specific areas of traditional men's style can be brought back as new movements, the essential garments that they are based on will never fall out of fashion.

"All it will take are a few simple garments. And there's one key - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a technical twist.
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One thing about [url=http://cungmuachungnhom.com/thoi-trang.html]Thoi trang nu[/url] that is pretty incredible is how far-reaching it has proven itself to be among the populace. We see so many examples in our every day lives, and it can function as an important reminder. When you begin reading more, you will recognize all that is involved and it could surprise you.

But most people have a decent viewpoint about many of the different outcomes. Not only that, but it is completely natural and usual to want to find what you are looking for. The rest of this article will increase your awareness of this topic.

The relative complexities of women's and men's fashion

Both women and men may feel the demands of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's fashion frequently seems a lot simpler. Of course, for both genders, clothes and fashion options may be quite as intricate, and there are several'trendy'items that could easily become fashion faux pas - who are able to say they often see people travelling in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's fashion has a few choice things that can exist forever - which man is planning to keep an eye out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Choose classic cuts, colors and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why basic men's style is eternal

The traditional man's suit has scarcely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several versions for different situations, nevertheless they are all common in their search for a wise, sharp look for the person. The best part about common style for men is that it's effortlessly stylish efficiently cool. A well-groomed lady can almost always look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the style of such apparel. A suit will undoubtedly be utilized to work in several occupations due to the professional search it provides to the individual, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Equally a suit will undoubtedly be utilized to many social occasions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This incredible flexibility that allows matches to be worn in nearly all functions is what gives it its amazing advantage and a lasting place in men's fashion.

Modern developments in traditional men's style

Whilst common men's styles will never be replaced, it is interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have brought particular classic clothes back into fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specially, has had back a wide-variety of common models into men's closets, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress yourself in a classic yet lavish way, placing value on appearance and operating in a polished manner. This trend for nearly'over-the-top'common fashion for men is apparent from events including the'Tweed Run', where men and girls of all ages dress in particularly Victorian-style clothing and take to the roads on vintage bicycles - with many of the men wearing perfect mustaches! That is only one of several examples of evidence presenting the resurgence of such designs. Additionally, there are numerous sites on the web which concentrate on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire websites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, although specific areas of classic men's style can be brought back as new trends, the fundamental garments which they are based on will never slip out of fashion.

"All it takes are a few simple outfits. And there is one secret - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a technical twist.
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The organization provides one particular distinct [url=http://www.hotdeal.vn/]nhom mua gia re[/url] per day in each and every of the markets it serves. The Groupon features as an assurance settlement making use of ThePoint's system: if a certain amount of folks signal up for the supply you, then the deal becomes accessible to all if the predetermined bare minimum is not happy, no 1 gets the deal that day. This decreases danger for retailers, who can deal with the coupons as amount reductions as properly as merchandise revenue advertising and marketing assets. Groupon assists make money by making an attempt to hold roughly 50 per cent the funds the consumer pays for the coupon.

For instance, an $80 therapeutic therapeutic massage could be received by the consumer for $forty by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split up the $forty. That is, the retailer provides a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and gets roughly $20 from Groupon for it (beneath a fifty%/fifty% break up). Or, if $240 well well worth of house painting answers is bought by the customer for $50 by means of Groupon, then the business will get $20 five and Groupon keeps $twenty five. The customer will get the massage, or the residence painting service provider, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at very first compensated $40 (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are specific firms to which Groupon to commence with did not provide you its solutions, like shooting ranges and strip golfing tools however, capturing ranges have been showcased on Groupon.

In contrast to labeled marketing, the service provider does not shell out any upfront price to participate: Groupon collects private information from prepared consumers and then contacts only men and women customers, mostly by day-to-working day e-mail, who could probably be fascinated in a particular answer or services.

Groupon employs a massive quantity of copywriters who draft descriptions for the offers featured by electronic mail and on the internet website. Groupon's advertising text for the 'deals' has been discovered as a contributing element to the recognition of the site, that contains a exclusive mix of comprehensive real truth-analyzing and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's industry currently becoming mainly composed of woman consumers, the bargains are frequently focused on the overall well being, well being and splendor marketplaces.

There are possible concerns with the company design. For occasion, a effective offer could quickly swamp a small organization with as effectively several consumers, jeopardizing a chance that customers will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be adequate resolution to satisfy the need. Gap, a large apparel retailer, was in a position to deal with 445,000 low cost discount codes in a national supply (though it seasoned server troubles at 1 stage), but a scaled-down organization could switch into all of a unexpected flooded with customers. 1 espresso store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an boost in customers for three months, when it bought shut to 1,000 Groupons on the one functioning working day it was supplied, in accordance to 1 report. In response to associated difficulties, Groupon officers state that 'deal' subscriptions need to be capped in advance to a realistic amount.

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